Zanatta, Diana CasarinFortuna, Guilherme2024-02-272024-02-272020 research aims to analyze the institute of self-defense, provided for in the Brazilian legal system, pointing out the treatment given to cases of excess configuration of self-defense. The point of observation is the work of the public security forces in Brazil, especially the Military, Civil and Federal Police. To do so, it starts from research on the historical evolution of self-defense, studying its use in the daily lives of police and civilians. Subdivided into three chapters, it will describe in the first chapter about the institute of self-defense, its definitions, its general aspects, requirements and exclusion of illegality; the second chapter will deal with the excess of legitimate defense, its excess configurations, consequences and jurisprudence; and finally, in the third and last chapter, it will describe about the legitimate defense, the excess and the perspectives of analysis in the anti-crime bill, anti-crime bill and its reflexes in the illegality exclusions, anti-crime bill and its reflexes in the legitimate defense and Law No. 13.964/19. As a research technique, bibliographic and documentary research was used, as an inductive method approach and as an analytical-descriptive method procedure. The main result being the description of the use of self-defense and its excess, the descriptions of the proposed anti-crime bill and the contributions that the new anti-crime law will bring to Brazilian Criminal Law by applying the appropriate punishments to theseítima defesaProjeto de lei anticrimeExcesso de legítima defesaA legítima defesa no contexto das atividades policiais e suas implicações no ordenamento jurídico penal brasileiroTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso