Esposito, Luís AlbertoKubiak, Kelyn Cristina Machado2024-03-072024-03-072022 present study, which uses bibliographical research as a methodology, seeks to analyze the principles of award-winning collaboration regulated by Law 12.850/2013, known as the Law of Criminal Organizations. The central objective of the research is to understand what the changes were over the years, as well as the legal impacts caused by the award-winning collaboration. Therefore, this work is divided into three chapters. Initially, a historical retrospective is established until the current regulatory law. In the sequence, a critical analysis is made, based on several authors about the constitutionality and object of the law. Finally, concrete cases of “contracts” arising from the award-winning collaboration are demonstrated. The theme is relevant and since Operation Lava Jato it has been more debated in society as a whole. Thus, the award-winning collaboration has the role of offering the authorities a more efficient and comprehensive investigationção criminosaColaboração premiadaColaboração premiada: as perspectivas jurisprudenciais pós Lava-jatoTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso