Biasus, Alessandra ReginaSantos, Milena Caroline Ianicki Padilha dos2024-03-072024-03-072022 present work aims to analyze the rights of animals in the light of the legal system, the failure to punish the agent causing the damage and the legislation that exists to punish crimes against these beings. The subject in question has been recognized in the legal sphere, in a worldwide evolution, seeking legislation that can make accountability possible for the damage caused to them, and precautionary measures to reduce levels of abuse. From the premises of society where animals were treated with great indifference, some scholars work to prove that in addition to living beings, they are conscious beings, with affection, memory, they feel moments of pleasure, nostalgia, pain and fear. Faced with social developments, it is unacceptable that human beings continue to fight only for the exclusivity of their particular rights. In Brazil, Decree nº 24.645, typified mistreatment of animals as a misdemeanor crime, the decree introduced in the Vargas government in 1934, later revoked and giving space to be inserted in art. 225 of the Federal Constitution, which protects fauna and flora, species and diversity. The legislation proposes to guarantee the care and preservation of this niche. In addition to all legal considerations, animal rights are also an ethical and moral precept. Equality, liberty and fraternity must be exercised, so that respect for all living beings is maintained universally. After all, taking care of all living beings makes the ecosystem progress and that all human beings can live in harmony with animals, beings that only cause good. Para realização da pesquisa é utilizada a técnica pesquisa qualitativa, exploratória, analítica eção animalMaus-tratosDireito dos animais à luz do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro e a (im)possibilidade de responsabilização do agente causador do danoTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso