Esposito, Luís AlbertoSpegiorin, Ana Julia2024-03-042024-03-042020 present conclusion work of the course question, through this bibliographic revision and using the systematic interpretative method of norms, the amendment constitutionality n.⁰ 96, of 2017, which highlighted sports and cultural practices manifestations as cruel practices to animals, in face to juridical protection to animals in Brazil. Therefore, will examine the juridical protection of animals and the relevance to Federal Constitution of 1988 in the matter, and, from that, the position of Federal Court of Justice in face to conflict of standards between the animal rights and other social interests. In counterpart, will be analyzed the Constitutional Amendment n.⁰ 96, in its formal and material aspects, in order to understand its purpose and implications, seeking to understand, in the end, the limits of the right to cultural manifestation in face of the constitutional order of right to a balanced environment and the equalization of animals as rights subjects?pt-BRDireitoEmenda ConstitucionalDireito animalA Emenda Constitucional n.⁰ 96 frente à proteção jurídica dos animaisTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso