Sartori, Giana Lisa ZanardoCoghetto, Eduardo2024-03-072024-03-072023 natural person is a human individual considered subject to rights and duties before the law, having identity and legal personality. However, as society evolves, everyone becomes vulnerable to existing evils, including threats to privacy and personal data security. In this context, Law 13,709/2018, better known as the General Data Protection Law (LGPD), was enacted, which comprises 65 articles and establishes guidelines and rules for the processing of personal data. In an increasingly digital and interconnected scenario, LGPD emerged to protect individuals and their data. However, given its recent nature, the application of this legislation presents significant challenges for Civil Registry Offices, institutions that play a fundamental role in the documentation and identification of citizens. Understanding the precepts of the LGPD is essential to analyse the implications that this legislation will have for the services provided by Civil Registries.To achieve this, it is necessary to adopt analysis methods such as inductive and analytical-descriptive, in order to examine the challenges that Civil Registry Offices will face in adapting to this new reality. Civil Records collect a considerable amount of confidential information, such as names, dates of birth and identification numbers. It will be crucial to ensure that citizens understand and agree to the use and processing of data. Furthermore, Notaries will have to invest in information security measures to protect personal data under their responsibility. The LGPD requires the implementation of policies and practices that guarantee the confidentiality, integrity and availability of this information, preventing unauthorized access and leaks. Another point of attention is related to transparency. Civil Registries must clearly inform citizens about how their data will be treated, ensuring that they have access to information about the process of collecting and using their personal naturalLGPDLei geral de proteção de dadosRegistro civilOs desafios dos cartórios de registros civis para se adaptarem aos preceitos arrazoados pela promulgação da lei n° 13.709/2018Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso