Albuquerque, Simone Gasperin deMomo, Danubia2024-03-042024-03-042020 is the right to do everything that the law allows. Man, choosing to live in a politically organized society, had the need to learn to reconcile his individual freedom with the regulation of freedom. Freedom of expression is a fundamental right of the first generation, that is, it is a right that belongs to the individual, opposed to the State, configuring itself as a faculty of the person, at the same time that it carries subjectivity. As a basic principle of the Democratic Rule of Law, it is supported by art. 5, IV and 220 of the Federal Constitution. Often times, individuals use communication mechanisms, such as social networks, blogs, among others, and the facility they provide for anonymous discourse, to deliver offensive speeches that damage the image and life of different individuals in society. This work consists of a study on the legal limitations to the right to freedom of expression, with an emphasis on social networks. An extensive bibliographical research was carried out, with the reading of doctrinal works, laws, articles and jurisprudence that deal with the subject, using an inductive approach and the analytical-descriptive method of procedure. The study is divided into three chapters, organized to facilitate understanding on the topic: the first chapter, brings concepts and all the historical evolution, the second chapter deals with the legislation applied to social networks and the third, judged by the STJ / RS and democráticoLiberdade de expressãoRedes sociaisDiscurso de ódioLiberdade de expressão: uma análise dos limites objetivos previstos no ordenamento jurídico brasileiroTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso