Aver, Ivana KarineTortelli, Marjana2021-02-042021-02-042020http://repositorio.uricer.edu.br/handle/35974/270Factors such as socioeconomic inequalities directly affect the individual's relations with the city and in life in society. The poorest population suffers the most, especially with sociospatial segregation in the urban environment, and ends up seeking refuge in irregular areas in order to build their homes. The vulnerability of this population, the housing deficit in the country, coupled with the insufficient performance of the government in matters of housing and land regularization, make the situation worse. Programs and alternatives related to social housing and regularization of irregular subdivisions, aimed at the low-income population, appear as a means of reducing these problems. It is essential, in addition to providing conditions of habitability and quality infrastructure, to create means of cooperation and mutual aid for the performance of economic activities that complement the income of this population, really guaranteeing the insertion of this individual as an integral part of society. With this, the literature review addresses aspects related to social housing and its viable and sustainable production, irregular settlements and subdivisions and the requalification of these spaces, aspects of the popular and solidary economy, the importance of the quality of environments and regulations about the topic. The methodology addresses the characteristics of the municipality of Entre Rios do Sul, and at the end, analyzes of studies were carried out in order to elaborate a proposal for the regularization of irregular subdivision and social housing for the municipality, capable of solving most of the problems faced by this population, generating improvements in the quality of life, well-being, dignity and active insertion of this population in society.pt-BRArquitetura e UrbanismoHabitação de interesse socialÁreas irregularesDéficit habitacionalHabitações de interesse social e regularização de loteamento irregularTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso