Zaions, Ana Paula Demarco Resende EsmelindroBorges, Juliana Trzinski2025-02-252024 occupational nurse is a professional who works to promote the health of employees, playing a fundamental role in the safety and well-being of workers. It is dedicated to preventing occupational risks and also taking care of health in general. In addition, the occupational nurse plays an important role in the management of Sexually Transmitted Infections (IST). These infections can be caused by bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms, transmitted mainly through sexual contact without the use of a condom. It is essential that occupational nurses have a broader perspective to offer comprehensive care, filling gaps and contributing to health in companies. Access to healthcare in the workplace is a significant differentiator in care. This research aims to identify evidence in the literature regarding the role of occupational nurses in the management of IST. This is an integrative review that sought to answer the study's guiding question: How can occupational nurses contribute to the Management of Sexually Transmitted Infections? The search for these articles was defined based on Health Sciences Descriptors (DECs) based on the PICo strategy Worker (P - Population); Sexually Transmitted Infections (I – Phenomenon of Interest); Worker's Health. (Co – Context). The Virtual Health Library (BVS) was the database defined for the search, in which 2,872 articles were found in the first search. For the selection of articles, inclusion and exclusion criteria were defined. Literature review articles, theses and dissertations, repeated articles and articles that did not answer the study's guiding question were excluded. Complete and original articles that were part of the theme were included in full, in English, Portuguese or Spanish and in the time frame from 2012 to 2024. The results found in the integrative review are classified by year of publication, region of publication, type of study and level of evidence. The role of nurses in the management of IST in different populations, and intervention methods in the management of IST. From the readings and reflections, it is considered that the occupational nurse plays a crucial role in this process, acting as an educator, promoting an environment of care and support that encourages people, becoming a protagonist in expanding access to diagnosis and, consequently, improving of life expectancy and quality of life of this population. Through educational activities, regular screenings and guidance on the correct use of self-testing, Pre-exposure prophylaxis and post-exposure prophylaxis, it plays an essential role in promoting health and preventingção sexualmente transmissívelEnfermagem do trabalhoO enfermeiro do trabalho e o manejo das infecções sexualmente transmissíveis (IST): um papel fundamental na promoção da saúdeTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso