Albuquerque, Simone Gasperin deCanal, Julia Cristina2024-03-042024-03-042020 present study aims to analyze legally the succession law of concepturos in Brazil, having as problematic what are the succession effects in relation to the one who has not yet been born. This is a topic that has been increasing in the legal literature, since it does not yet have a specific rule in the Brazilian legal system. The monograph was divided into three chapters. Initially, the legal nature of the unborn was analyzed, the concepts of testament and testator were defined, and the details of the testamentary succession were commented. The figure of the concepturo was examined in the Brazilian Civil Code of 2002. The natalist and conceptionist theories were investigated, presenting the comments and analyzes of several authors. In a second step, succession law in Brazil was reported, exposing its phases, order, hereditary vocation and the right to succession. The figure of the curator and the non-legitimate people to succeed were discussed. Finally, an analysis was presented on the succession in face of the concepturo, the assumptions of the regime, observing its applicability in the Civil Code Pátrio. For data collection, mainly the bibliographic method was used, through periodical publications and electronic documents. The work was elaborated using the inductive method through a procedure of bibliographic and documentary sucessórioNascituroAnálise jurídica do direito sucessório dos concepturos no BrasilTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso