Aver, Ivana KarineGauer, Fernanda Andressa2021-08-162021-08-162021http://repositorio.uricer.edu.br/handle/35974/346The insertion of cultural centers in the urban center is of fundamental value when related to the formation of values, exchange of experiences and knowledge, in addition to social coexistence and recreation, since today society is increasingly in the digital environment. Therefore, it is important that cities offer public leisure spaces, with access to culture, providing social integration and also valuing local commerce. Also, the process of intervention and revitalization of degraded and empty urban centers, with the objective of recovering these spaces and give new use and meaning to them, is of utmost importance when it comes to cities, and it is through the architecture applied to these needs, offering recreation, culture, and well-being to the population. When analyzing the city of Santa Rosa/RS and its public spaces, there are few spaces that offer the function of integrating, promoting culture, commerce and leisure, so the objective of this work is to propose a cultural center and revitalization of the urban environment, at the level of architectural design. The methodology of the work is descriptive, based on the analysis of secondary data. The results of the research show that cultural and urban centers bring well-being to the population, besides the access to recreation and culture, through the activities offered and the coexistence and socialization among people, through functional, practical and welcoming architecture.pt-BRArquitetura e UrbanismoCentro culturalEspaço públicoLazerRevitalização urbanaImplantação de um centro cultural e revitalização do entorno no município de Santa RosaTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso