Peres, Fernando Luís TartariOleksinski, André Carlos2022-02-012022-02-012020 work presents a comparative study between the use of the DC braking system applied to the electric coil of three-phase AC motors in relation to the electromagnetic braking system used in motor-brake motors in industrial plants in industrial parks that can be applied to the most diverse machine segments. The dynamics of this work is directly linked to the process of driving machines with emphasis on stopping the machine, to which the braking system is directly coupled, thus providing a more dynamic and eventually safer stopping model for all elements involved in the process. Aiming at this approach model, the main idea of the study is to maximize the response time in the deceleration of the machine aiming at its braking in the shortest possible time to minimize the risks to operators who are involved in the production process and who have certain proximity with the machine in motion. Finalizing the project that involves the studies carried out and in possession of the conclusions about the comparative data of the subject object of this work, we will be applying this project in a real machine inserted in an industrial ElétricaFrenagem eletromagnéticaFrenagem elétrica CCEstudo comparativo entre a utilização de frenagem CC e frenagem eletromagnética em paradas de máquinas que utilizam motores elétricos trifásicosTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso