Sartori, Giana Lisa ZanardoGiacomelli, Daniela Gemerasca2024-03-042024-03-042020 monograph aimed to analyze the Shared Guard institute and the rights and duties that parents must have in relation to their children, emphasizing its applicability in Brazilian Law. In times of pandemic by COVID-19, the situation of the right of coexistence for children and adolescents who live as situations of divorced parents became evident. The shared custody institute was created with the aim of meeting the need for this new model of family, which, even after the marital breakdown, requires that the relationship between parents and children be as kind as possible, that both parents can remain present in the lives of their parents. Children When sharing time with an offspring, both parents would jointly participate in the children's lives, always taking into account the child's best interest. Therefore, in the monographic research, it was intended to demonstrate the importance of the family and the affective bonds of the children with their parents, and how this can occur avoiding the negative effects that the marital dissolution brought to the home. The method used to carry out the research was inductive, analytical and descriptive through the technique of bibliographic compartilhadaPoder familiarGuarda e poder familiar em tempos de pandemia: direitos e deveres dos pais em relação aos filhosTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso