Rocha, Vanessa Tibola daAvenna, Guilherme da Silveira2021-08-162021-08-162021 is one of the oldest materials used in construction, and with the technology development over the years this material has been improved and today we have engineered wood, which the use of wood is optimized and can be performed in the structures of civil construction, through high resistance and constructive performance elements, as is the case of glued laminated timber (Glulam) that is being used in pillars and beams, and cross laminated wood (CLT) in the form of panels used in slabs or walls. In Brazil, there are not many companies operating in this field and there is a lack of knowledge on this subject, which makes this construction system considerably new. The trees cultivation directed to the production of engineered wood occurs through silviculture, which becomes the most rational way to manage forests sustainably, maintaining their renewal and constant maintenance. When it is offered to use sustainable concepts, one of the main materials used is wood, as a renewable material. Sustainability must also be used in the business environment, aiming the development combined with social, environmental and economic practices. In the literature review, the work will be addressing topics such as industry and urbanization, industrial architecture, forestry, engineered wood, people and company management, sustainable development objectives, and current regulations. In the methodology, town aspects of Entre Rios do Sul will be approached. And at the end, analysis of case studies, and the first studies about the project proposal for a model engineered wood industry, where it is concluded that the role of the architect is fundamentaly significant done by planning industries with a sustainable bias, where functionality must be combined with the image that the company wants to convey to the public. In addition, architectural projects must have sustainability applied in the mitigation of environmental impacts, appropriating the architectural party to ensure a more efficient e UrbanismoSilviculturaIndústriasSustentabilidadeMadeira engenheiradaIndústria modelo de madeira engenheiradaTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso