Peres, Fernando Luís TartariBagnara, Felipe André2024-01-162024-01-162022 work presents the study and development of a packaging box carrier. A basis for the study was built through a visit to a food production company that uses the packaging box to store the product. The main objective is to automatically manufacture what is a fully effcient efficiency in production systems where even machines with the products of the distribution lines are needed. The justification for the improvement of quality processes, precision of studies, safety and the quality presented. To review the importance, the present series of industrial automation highlights was studied and how it is currently industry components, programming logic controller (PLC) concept and use, applications with electric conveyors used in automation. In addition, a programming logic for the programming logic controller (PLC) and the human machine interface will be developed, which, when applied, will not work, and will control the work of the conveyor belt. Finally, with the work carried out, operational and foundation tests will be carried out for real work or ElétricaAutomaçãoProtótipoProgramaçãoDesenvolvimento de um protótipo de uma esteira transportadora de caixas de embalagensTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso