Zanardo, Vivian Polachini SkzypekBaldez, Gabriel Belitz2021-04-122021-04-122020, like other developing countries, is facing a major health problem, the obesity factor is in all age groups and sex, one of the resolutions of the Unified Health System (SUS) was to opt for bariatric surgery. Thus, the objective of the present study is to carry out a bibliographic review on the nutritional deficiencies presented by patients undergoing Roux-en- Y gastric bypass surgery, through systematic reading, with a record of each work, highlighting the points addressed by the authors relevant to the subject in question. In this research, the scientific deductive exploratory method was used, which reviewed the following keywords: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, food, nutrition, nutritional deficiencies, obesity. Material from the databases PubMed, Brazilian Society of Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery, Scielo, International Scientific Journals and Newspapers, with dates between 2006 and 2020, were used. In this context, the studies showed that patients undergoing gastric bypass surgery in Y de Roux may have some deficiencies such as iron, calcium, vitamin B12, vitamin B9, vitamin D and protein, related to nutrition due to low caloric intake, reduced digestive transit and adaptation afterçãoBypass GástricoDeficiências nutricionaisObesidadeDeficiências nutricionais de pacientes submetidos a cirurgia de Bypass Gastrico em Y de RouxNutritional deficiencies of patients submitted to Gastric Bypass Surgery in Roux YArtigo Científico