Biasus, Alessandra ReginaOliveira, Victor Yury Bueno de2024-03-182024-03-182023 present study verifies the issue of business succession in family-owned companies in Brazil, where the majority of them face significant challenges in transferring ownership from one generation to another. Data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) highlight that over 90% of businesses in the country are family-owned, but only a minority survives beyond the first generation. The primary reason for this situation is the lack of formal succession plans and the failure to update these plans as businesses grow. This study seeks to provide viable solutions to address this pressing challenge. Two strategic tools are explored: holdings, which enable the consolidation of ownership control and efficient management of the company's assets, and life insurance, which ensures financial resources for succession, especially in the case of unexpected death or disability of a key member of the company. Legislation also plays a relevant role in facilitating succession planning, and understanding the relevant regulations is crucial for the success of these strategies. To carry out the research, the inductive method as used, through the techcique of documentary and legislative bibliographic de vidaExplorando holdings e seguro de vida como ferramentas de planejamento empresarialTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso