Reis, Camila Sampaio dosSerpa, Sydmar2024-01-162024-01-162022 present work aims to develop a prototype for the acquisition and transmission of quantities related to the monitoring of batteries and banks of stationary lead-acid batteries. Battery banks of this type are widely disseminated and applied in the most diverse purposes, and the use in a hydroelectric plant is the standard adopted for delimiting parameters and appli- cability that guide the study in question. A literature review was carried out that describes and contextualize the inherent characteristics of batteries, their operating principles and demarcated parameters that could be measured or obtained through more in-depth analyses. Similar works to the one proposed in this study were also analyzed, which made it possible to define which factors would be monitored by the prototype. The methodology chosen for the development was the direct practical implementation of the defined components, seeking to measure the selected quantities, linked to the study of the way to measure and treat the acquired data in software. The results obtained in this study will serve as a source of data for further work related to battery monitoring, as in addition to providing an expanded methodology with market innovations, it will provide controls at sufficient time intervals to prevent failures from occurring. It can be concluded that the prototype aims to be a mechanism that can help and optimize the maintenance activities of banks, adding practicality, reliability, simplicity and low ElétricaUsina hidrelétricaBaterias estacionáriasMonitoramento remotoDesenvolvimento de um sistema de monitoramento remoto para bancos de baterias estacionáriasTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso