Wisniewski, Miriam Salete WilkZancan, Juliana Piva2023-02-232023-02-232020http://repositorio.uricer.edu.br/handle/35974/454Faced with the pandemic of the new coronavirus (COVID-19), the professional physiotherapist has an important role within the context we are experiencing. Due to the excessive and degrading working hours imposed on them, it is essential to be concerned with the quality of life of the professional involved. In view of this, this study aimed to report the impact on the quality of life of physical therapists who work in the front line to the COVID-19 pandemic in Erechim. The specific objectives were to assess the quality of sleep and correlate the quality of life with the quality of sleep of these professionals. The population consisted of physiotherapists from Hospital Santa Terezinha and Hospital de Caridade de Erechim, with a sample of five physical therapists, of both sexes, with an average age of 27.6 years, who work on the front line of COVID-19 in outpatient and ICU of the hospitals already mentioned. As results achieved, it can be observed that both hospitals presented a self-assessment of good quality of life, with higher scores in the social relationships (80%) and worse in the physical (75%) and psychological (75.83%) domains. Regarding sleep quality, one hospital had poor sleep (40%) while the other had sleep disturbance (60%). There was a positive and moderate correlation between self-assessment of quality of life, psychological domain and quality of sleep. Thus, it is concluded through the results that the physical therapists who work at the front line of COVID-19 had a good quality of life and decreased quality of sleep.pt-BRFisioterapiaCoronavírusQualidade de vida e sonoO impacto na qualidade de vida de fisioterapeutas que atuam na linha de frente à pandemia da COVID-19 em ErechimTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso