Detoni, Vera Maria CalegariLiebig, Renan Ezequiel2024-03-042024-03-042020 development stems from natural advancement within contemporary society, and as a result of this evolution, the environmental issue linked to the idea of social and environmental development strengthened under the sustainability pillar must be paramount and deserves structuring to guarantee its prevalence and effectiveness. In this sense, the present research sought to bring information about economic development in face of environmental laws, their legal bases, as well as the need and importance of an enterprise becoming sustainable. In line with the research problem, the objective is to provide clarifications on the legal methods responsible for ensuring a balanced and healthy environment, both for today and for future generations and to question the possibility of exercising the free economy, without affecting it negatively the environment, always aiming to combine these two subjects that are extremely important for society in general. Thus, in order to fulfill what was proposed, the method used was the inductive one, with bibliographic research, always based on Art. 225 of the 1988 Federal Constitution, which guarantees a ecologically balanced environment, as well as Law 6,938 / 81, which discusses the National Environmental Policy and some Resolutions of Conama. Then, the research focus was based on understanding, conceptualization and the whole theme that involves Environmental Licensing, which is one of the instruments of Law 6.938 / 81 - National Environment Policy, which aims to ensure that the enterprise does not degrade the environment through its activities. Finally, it was shown the stages of Environmental Licensing that entrepreneurship must follow, in addition to the relevance of complying with the requirements imposed by law, as the entrepreneur enjoys benefits in adopting policies that ensure sustainable development. The result of the research indicates that it is possible to combine economic development with the preservation of the environment, since following the parameters imposed by law, the benefits obtained are gradually summing up for entrepreneurship, and thus guaranteeing an ecologically balanced environment for all, now and sustentávelLicenciamento ambientalMeio ambienteDesenvolvimento econômico e meio ambiente: os instrumentos garantidores do desenvolvimento sustentávelTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso