Rocha, Vanessa Tibola daSantolin, Letícia2021-08-162021-08-162021 the global scenario, the ways of human expression are increasingly focused on technology and the development of social media. Therefore, it is necessary to create public spaces that encourage and encourage the learning of artistic means that can contribute to people's physical and mental well-being. During the history of humanity, art and its simplest form of expression were the main focus of leisure and coexistence for man. In this context, human evolution and the development of societies are possible to observe the expansion of art forms and spaces intended for their presentation / exhibition. Thus, the objective of this work is to present a theoretical basis for the development of an architectural project, a Cultural Center, for the Municipality of Campinas do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul. The work methodology is descriptive and was divided into two stages, the first being theoretical stage which describes the themes related to the architectural spaces of cultural centers. The second stage, classified as practical, presents the initial studies for the development of the architectural party. Finally, the work reinforces the importance of inserting cultural centers in the urban space and in people's daily lives. The cultural center offers opportunities for personal development, entertainment and e UrbanismoArteCulturaInclusãoCentro Cultural de Incentivo a Arte: Profª Lany Sangali GugelTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso