Rigoni, Glênio Luis de VasconcellosPossa, Iuri Rodolfo Maziero2022-02-012022-02-012021http://repositorio.uricer.edu.br/handle/35974/389This study aims to plan, manage and implement an improvement of internet access in a community in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul, considering not only the manageable part of the project, but also the local digital inclusion. The switch from radio technology to fiber optics seeks to improve internet speed and quality of the available signal. The theoretical framework mainly brings the PMBOK Guide (2017) and Project Builder (2017) addressing information related to Project Management; data about the internet and population situation are presented by research by Anatel and Guia Socioeconômico Brasileiro. In addition, it brings several authors in the area of Telecommunications with knowledge that address issues related to the proposal, contextualizing the study. As for the methodology, this is a study that uses digital means, such as software and online research, to develop analyzes and delimit areas, in order to obtain the possibilities and costs of technologies and equipment. The requirements for making a request to share posts are also demonstrated and the topics of project management and its effectiveness in the provided application are explained, with the main result being a Project Management Plan, which can be used in other situations or similar works. Even, comparative results of the quality of the internet in the community are presented, demonstrating the before and after the implantation.pt-BREngenharia ElétricaFibra ópticaInternetPlanejamento e implantação da troca de tecnologia de internet em comunidade do interior gaúchoTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso