Ceni, Caroline Isabela CapelessoSantos, Gabriel Saccomori Cordeiro dos2024-03-182024-03-182023https://repositorio.uricer.edu.br/handle/35974/635This paper aims to research the complex issue of the use of digital evidence dismissal in the context of technological advancement and the current labor market. The introduction highlights how digital communications and the increasing volume of electronic records have transformed the dynamics between employers and employees, resulting in a new set of ethical, legal, and practical challenges. The conclusion emphasizes the need to balance worker privacy protection with compliance to labor laws and fast-paced technological changes. Constant adaptation and clear policies are crucial to addressing these challenges and promoting a fair and ethical work environment. The solution to the presented issues was found through theoretical research (books and articles) and has been elaborated in detail throughout this study. It is worth noting that, in this present work, bibliographic and documentary research was conducted, following the analytical-descriptive approach method regarding the procedure.pt-BRDireitoProteção da privacidadeProvas digitaisAvanço tecnológicoProvas digitais: desafios no direito do trabalho brasileiroTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso