Michel, Jessica AndradeTochetto, Fernanda2021-08-162021-08-162021http://repositorio.uricer.edu.br/handle/35974/348Despite the technological advances that have been taking place, there has not yet been a method to eliminate social vulnerability, a term used to describe the lack of supply of basic services, access to public equipment and even knowledge, thus a segregation between people. Erechim, despite being a municipality that does not have an expressive number of inhabitants, still lives this reality and not very different from other cities, people with lower income band, live on the banks of the city, hindering access to the central area. One way to socialize people is the creation of community centers, which also through educational and cultural activities, provide improvement in education, income and quality of life of people, aimed at young people and children, prevent them from being exposed to marginality and bad companies and rescue their life prospects. Therefore, the objective of this work is the development of an architectural preliminary project of a community support center for young people and children in a situation of social vulnerability, in the municipality of Erechim/RS. Its methodology was divided into two stages, the first as theoretical research, based on secondary data analysis and the second practice, with descriptive and constructive research, with analysis of architectural reference design guidelines, site study and intentions projects.pt-BRArquitetura e UrbanismoCentro comunitárioArquitetura inclusivaCentro Comunitário Presidente Vargas: espaço de apoio para jovens e crianças em vulnerabilidade socialTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso