Prestes, Neiva de OliveiraPires, Aline Contreira2022-02-012022-02-012021 The National Humanization Policy (PNH) established the Open Visit proposal, whose objective is to expand the access of visitors to the inpatient wards, as a way to integrate the companion in the patient's healing process. Currently, the importance of family presence in the hospital environment is defended as an effective practice in combating suffering, both for the patient and for the family, clarifying in fact that the permanence in these spaces for care does not represent a potential threat to the patient, being limited solely because of the contact time and physical structure of the hospital unit, since they are not designed to receive visits. The present study demonstrates its relevance in the research biases, especially with the intention to streamline strategies for nursing to act in a way that expands the resources offered in the aspect of humanized care for critically ill patients. General Objective: To know the contributions of scientific nursing productions in face of open visits to patients in intensive care. Methodology: This study follows a qualitative approach under the integrative literature review method, as it aims to search and synthesise relevant research, aiming at greater understanding and understanding of the research theme in order to benefit aspects of clinical practice. The research question was elaborated through the PICo strategy, what are the contributions of scientific nursing productions in view of the open visit to patients in intensive care? For types of study, we chose to use qualitative research, prognostic studies, observational studies, assessment, prevalence and risk factors. The selected languages were Portuguese and English. In aspect, we opted for social determinants, limited to humans, and year of publication from 2010 to 2020. The selected documents were articles, filtered by journals that bring issues related to nursing and intensive care. Searches were performed on the electronic portal BVS (Virtual Health Library) and with the crossing of descriptors. Results: initially, 44 productions were found. With the exclusion of duplicate articles, which were counted only once, 31 studies remained for the reading of titles and abstracts, respecting the research objective, which were analyzed in two categories, namely Contribution, Observations and Family Satisfaction and Family-professional relationship in the ICU environment. Final considerations: Strategies need to be planned and implemented to strengthen the open visit to critically ill patients, as well as to broaden the perspective of nursing, with regard to involvement with the family, as this is part of the care process. It is believed that the results can contribute to reflections on the role of the nursing team in caring for critically ill patients, using welcoming, clear and transparent communication with the family as a care management tool, as well as including the family in the process of care and shared decision making, aiming at an empathetic and humanized intensivaVisita abertaPrática clínicaAtuação da enfermagem na visita aberta ao paciente em unidade de terapia intensivaTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso