Biasus, Alessandra ReginaNava, Taline Taís Minella2024-03-182024-03-182023 undergraduate thesis explores the issue of (im)possibility of disinheritance based on emotional neglect in the context of Family and Succession Law in Brazil. Examining the legal, ethical, and psychological implications of this complex topic, the study investigates the interplay between law, family, affection, and inheritance. Key topics include the evolution of the concept of family, the principle of affection, the general principles of succession law, the modes of succession, and situations of disinheritance. Through a critical analysis of these elements, the thesis aims to provide insights to enrich the legal and social debate on the subject. It is noteworthy that in the present work bibliographic and documentary research was used, according to the approach and analytical-descriptive method regarding theçãoAbandono afetivoDireito sucessórioA (im) possibilidade da inclusão do abandono afetivo como causa para deserdaçãoTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso