Malysz, Karine AngélicaBuczkoski, Daiana2022-02-012022-02-012019 Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a syndrome of unknown origin that manifests in childhood, and is characterized by very specific signs and symptoms such as difficulty in socializing, delayed or absent speech acquisition, repetitive and stereotyped motions without purpose. known, and especially for a disorder in sensory processing, affecting them and also affecting their family members, before this becomes clear the need for a study in this population. The sample consisted of 11 participants, caregivers of children with autism attending the Aquarela Association. Participants underwent an interview in which 3 evaluation questionnaires were applied: Sensory Profile 2 (Winnie Dunn) for sensory assessment, Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) for severity assessment and SF - 36 for caregivers' quality of life. Through the analyzes performed, it was concluded a male predominance, mild autism degree, as well as significant impairment of the emotional aspects of the caregivers. Still, it is possible to state that the children analyzed present deficits in sensory processing in almost all items evaluated, but it is worth highlighting a higher score of the 'exploration' quadrant, indicating a delay in the perception of stimuli present in the environment, that is, a tendency to sensory response. Given this, the importance of physical therapy intervention in this population becomes evident, since through its wide range of resources it seeks to integrate the individual into the environment in the most functional way do espectro autistaAvaliação do perfil sensorial de indivíduos com transtorno do espectro autista frequentadores da Associação Aquarela Pró - Autista de ErechimTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso