Caron, Márcia dos SantosRosa, Raíza da2025-01-142024 main objective of the course completion work entitled: “The development of socio-emotional competencies in the young apprentice program from the perspective of young women (15-24 years old): A study in an institution of the ‘S’ system in the Alto Uruguai Gaúcho region” was to understand the contributions of the Young Apprentice Program in the development of socio-emotional competencies necessary for the world of work, with an emphasis on the perspective of young women. The motivation for this research arose from an interest in investigating how the program influences the formation of essential skills for personal development and for entering and remaining in the world of work. The study focused on the contributions of the SENAC - Erechim/RS Young Apprentice Program to the development of these skills, as experienced by young women. The work was carried out using bibliographical and field research, with an exploratory and quantitative approach. The methodology involved the application of an anonymous online questionnaire, via Google Forms, containing twenty-two closed questions related to the topic. After the data collection stage, the main ideas and reflections were analyzed, with an emphasis on the young apprentices' perceptions of the development of socio-emotional skills. This analysis aimed to combine the theories studied with their professional practice, providing a more comprehensive understanding of the experiences these young women had during their participation in the Young Apprentice program. In this way, it was found that, through this program, it is possible to develop socio-emotional skills and also a faster and more effective insertion of women into the world of work, which is fundamental to creating a more balanced and fairer aprendizMundo do trabalhoCompetências sociemocionaisO desenvolvimento de competências socioemocionais no programa jovem aprendiz sob a perspectiva de jovens mulheres (15 - 24 anos): estudo em uma instituição do sistema "S" na regiâo do Alto Uruguai GaúchoTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso