Sartori, Giana Lisa ZanardoCostenaro, Charles Luis2024-02-272024-02-272020 research starts from a recurring problem in Brazilian society, the social contradictions that lead to the increase of groups in social vulnerability and how they imply the constitution of families and the separation processes that run by default. Therefore, the general objective of the research was to analyze the applicability and effectiveness of the effects of default in actions involving alimony cases brought by low-income women. In the meantime, as specific objectives, the 21st century family constitution and the role of women in this scenario were researched, the role of family power and the issues of low income / social vulnerability and interference in cases of default in actions of alimony. To fulfill the proposal, the present research used the bibliographic review and statistical data presented by IPEA, it was possible to perceive that the social advances achieved by women continue to be relativized, ignored or stopped due to the maintenance of the current social stratification that is attributed to them. It is noted that there are several difficulties encountered by women due to gender inequality in maintaining the 40.5% of Brazilian homes that they lead and, consequently, in maintaining familiar power when parents ignore the basic needs of their offspring, leaving to them supply tasks and responsibilities that belong to both parents, thus reinforcing the weight of gender inequality in Brazilian society. For the elaboration of the monograph the inductive, analytical and descriptive method was used through the technique of bibliographic and documentary de gêneroVulnerabilidade socialPoder familiarPoder familiar, (des)igualdade de gênero e vulnerabilidade social: os efeitos nos processos de pensão alimentícia que correm em reveliaTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso