Bordignon, SérgioTabolka, Douglas Roberto2024-01-162024-01-162022 this work, an analysis of harmonic distortions will be presented based on data collected through a RE7000 energy analyzer in a metal mechanic industry in the city of Ibirubá - RS. The aim is to analyze and characterize the harmonic distortions present in the industrial plant, by measurements carried out by appropriate equipment and methods, so that the electric power quality present in the place can be observed. Standardizations imposed by ANEEL - National Electric Energy Agency, through the Manual of Electric Power Distribution Procedures - PRODIST Module 8 and by IEEE 519 were adopted. In addition to characterizing harmonic disturbances, this work presents possible methods to mitigate the problems associated with harmonic distortions, through the results, at the end of the study topics and suggestions for correction will be presented that can be improved in the future ElétricaQualidade da energia elétricaDistorções harmônicasAnálise da qualidade de energia elétrica: distorções harmônicas em uma planta industrial um estudo de casoTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso