Tortelli, Daniel MeninFeranti, Murilo2022-05-202022-05-202021 management of time records is essential to control the working time of a company’s employees. With the use of an old system, employees end up wasting relevant time, in addition to possible forgetfulness or failures in their records. The present work consists in the development of an application using the Ionic framework, PostgreSQL database, and API developed in PHP, which is focused on the entire system records performed by company employees. As a result, the application created a more practical way to use geolocation, to check if the employee is inside their work environment to register automatically, thus solving the problem the cost of time and possible forgetfulness. Consequently, making it an option to replace old recording methods still used in mostência da ComputaçãoGeopoint: aplicativo para gerenciamento de ponto digital para agênciasTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso