Stankiewicz, Adilson LuísCosta, Anderson Alex Alves da2022-02-012022-02-012020 the beginning, home automation has been considered a major advance in technology, providing what in the past was seen as a futuristic theme in films and television series. This technology that has been gaining space in the market recently, aims to provide people with practicality, convenience, security and economy. Aiming for comfort and safety, this project presents the study and implementation of a low cost Home Automation system, which aims to monitor and control the automated devices in the residence, such as lighting control, alarm system and level monitoring the water tank. This work also aims to demonstrate the feasibility of low-cost solutions, popularizing access to home automation for this purpose, the ESP 32 microcontroller was used as an automation center, managed through an application developed for a ElétricaDomóticaMicrocontroladoresAutomação residencialDesenvolvimento de sistema de automação residencial utilizando microcontroladorTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso