Roesler, SaraKlein, Bruno Mocellin2021-08-162021-08-162021 manner in which we work today has been going through innovations and transformations, and as consequence, the role of collaborative spaces has been growing in a notorious way. In Brazil, despite being new, coworking is already a reality, with places for this new form of work, spread over almost all states in the country, making coworking spaces appear well established in the current scenario. Working collaboratively provides us with greater interaction, greater range, more knowledge, making social interaction an additional tool in the workspace. In addition, coworking allows us greater flexibility at work and helps in creative leisure. Freelancers, small companies and other small and medium-sized workers have already opted for these coworking spaces, which can offer them basic items for the operation of a company at a better cost, helping in their growth and establishment. Therefore, the use of architecture, with planning and development, in these coworking spaces, is essential for its functioning to be able to meet the requirements of its occupants. Thus, the objective of the present work is to seek a basis for developing an architectural project of a shared work complex - coworking proposal for the city of Erechim, in the north of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The methodological procedures involve bibliographic research on the theme, contextualization of the municipality, survey and analysis of the proposed terrain and research of good practices through the analysis of referential projects. The present work came to provide solutions and an approach on the subject and presents as a result a synthesis, represented trough a preliminary study of the proposal in the chosen e UrbanismoEspaços colaborativosTrabalho compartilhadoCoworkingComplexo de trabalho compartilhado: uma proposta de coworking para a cidade de Erechim-RSTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso