Zaions, Deividi FelipeFranceschi, Gabriel Primo2025-03-102024 the search for solutions for clean and sustainable energy generation, advances in technology have made it possible to generate energy through solar radiation, known as photovoltaic solar generation. The implementation of these generation systems, through small generators located at various points in the electrical system, through what we call Distributed Generation, where consumers can generate their own energy and inject the surplus into the grid of the concessionaires. However, the distribution grids, which were designed to supply only the demand of a unidirectional energy course, are being affected by the so-called bidirectional flow of energy, since consumers, in addition to using the energy supplied to them, also inject energy into the grid. This work is based on the case study of a consumer served at low voltage, where the energy quality parameters were measured before and after the connection of a microgeneration plant distributed by a photovoltaic solar source. Likewise, a simulation was performed in computer software, using the same real characteristics of the location of the consumer unit with its own generation. Initially, without the connection of microgeneration, the power quality parameters were characterized as adequate, according to Module 8 of PRODIST (Procedures for Distribution of Electric Energy in the National Electric System), a regulatory standard regarding the Quality of Electric Energy Supply. However, after the insertion of generation, an extremely negative impact was noted, exceeding the standardized limits for the voltage level, which was characterized as critical, both in the simulation and in the case study. Coming to the conclusion that the connection of photovoltaic systems can cause disturbances in low-voltage networks, with emphasis on the occurrence of overvoltage, which can damage consumer equipment and require adjustments in the regulation and protection systems of the networks, by the concessionaires. The interconnected structure of the Brazilian electric system amplifies these impacts, making studies and solutions to mitigate the effects of this new form of energy generation ElétricaGeração distribuídaQualidade de energiaSistema elétricoAnálise dos impactos dos sistemas de microgeração distribuída fotovoltaica na qualidade de energia elétrica das redes de baixa tensãoTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso