Ceni, Caroline Isabela CapelessoNazzari, Caroline2024-03-072024-03-072023https://repositorio.uricer.edu.br/handle/35974/632It is noted that over the years, work relationships have evolved and adapted, resulting in quite significant changes for both the employee and the employer. Outsourcing was one of these changes, being a tool that brings as many benefits as challenges and risks, especially in relation to labor rights and working conditions of outsourced workers. Therefore, the present work sought to discuss, through a bibliographical review, the possibility of outsourcing core activities, for the benefit of the employer, based on the advent of law no. 13.467/17. The work was divided into chapters, presenting the contextual ideas that strengthen the research proposal, reaching and concluding that it is important to conduct more comprehensive studies to evaluate the effects of outsourcing main activities on the labor market and society in general. Furthermore, companies and regulatory bodies must ensure respect for labor rights and avoid harm to outsourced workers. This way, it will be possible to find a balance between business demands and the protection of workers' rights. The method used to develop the research was inductive, with bibliographic, jurisprudential and legislative analysis.pt-BRDireitoDireito do trabalhoAtividade-fimDa possibilidade de terceirização das atividades-fim em benefício do empregador com o advento da lei nº 13.467/17Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso