Albuquerque, Simone Gasperin deSchafer, Andressa2024-03-042024-03-042020 present work sought to present a study on Urban Sustainability as a means of Land Regularization. Initially, it seeks to conceptualize and define Land Regularization in the Brazilian Legal System. The issue addressed the possibility of using contemporary legislation on Land Regularization as a form of urban sustainability. Following the research, Law no. 13,465 / 2017 and its requirements. An attempt was made to analyze Urban Land Regularization and Urban Sustainability. Legal institutes that can and should be used in Urban Land Regularization were analyzed, according to legal provisions. The effectiveness of Urban Land Regularization in relation to the right to housing was also analyzed. It was observed that, for the effectiveness of the institute in question, it is necessary to work the Urban Land Regularization in conjunction with other institutes. The need to integrate land regularization and a sustainable environment is described, since the future of the next generations and sustainability are necessary for them to enjoy Sustainable Urban Land Regularization. This work made use of the inductive method and the bibliographic and documentary researchção fundiáriaGovernança urbanaMeio ambienteA sustentabilidade urbana por meio da regularização fundiáriaTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso