Redaelli, Emir JoséMenin, Aline Angela2021-04-122021-04-122019 purpose of this paper is to understand if the knowledge transfer resulting from the academic formation has any impact on students' consumption and investment decisions. The adopted method is the field research, with application of an anonymous questionnaire already elaborated and tested by Lucci The population that served as the basis for the research consisted of 30 undergraduate students of the Accounting Sciences course at Uri Campus of Erechim, being a sample for a finite universe, considering only the students of the first and last semester. It was identified with the present work that the level of academic formation contributes to the increase of the financial knowledge (increase of 21% in the total of correct answers of the applied questions). Regarding the attitudes of the individuals surveyed, over the course of the disciplines, it was observed that there was a slight acceptance, but greater to the risk and concern about future retirement. It is importante to notice that other forms of knowledge are also relevant, such as family experience, friends, and practice that need further investigation in futureçãoEducação financeiraA influência da educação financeira nas decisões de consumo e investimento: um estudo com discentes do curso de ciências contábeis da URI Campus de ErechimThe influence of financial education on consumer and investment decisions: a case study with students of accounting science course of URI Campus of ErechimArtigo Científico