Detoni, Vera Maria CalegariSilva, Thaís Dias da2024-03-042024-03-042020 order to present a new way of thinking about the protection rights dedicated to non-human animals, within the perspective of the national legal system, addressing the legislation that protects animals in Brazil. Also aiming to study how animals are labeled and seen in Brazilian law as well as the legal consequences of this classification. The idea of producing this work came about because of the classification given to animals as ''thing'' by the Brazilian legal system and the current changes that have been taking place in an attempt to remove anthropocentric ideals, still very influential in Brazilian law, and the possibility, within of the Brazilian legal system, of non-human animals, to become holders of basic fundamental rights and dignity, so that their legal protection is more effective, making them true subjects of state tutelage. Bibliographic and documentary research methods are used, the inductive method of approach and the analytical-descriptive method of jurídicoAntropocentrismoA defesa dos direitos e dignidade dos animais não-humanos no ordenamento jurídico brasileiroTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso