Stankiewicz, Adilson LuísPanisson, Welenton Maito2022-02-012022-02-012020 present paper presents the study and development of two static converters CC-CC, Buck and Boost converters, in order to solve the problem of the lack of them in an experimental way for use in the Power Electronics laboratories, since this lack of didactic material is common in several teaching institutions. The study begins with the theory of the referred converters, presenting the equations for the Continuous Conduction Mode, its definitions and characteristic waveforms. Following, circuits and auxiliary components for the development of a converter are presented, as well as a microcontroller model used to perform the generation of the PWM and also provide a simple command interface with the user. Then, the theoretical equation and simulations about the converters were performed in PSIM software, and yet the developed circuit in Proteus software and the programming logic applied to the microcontroller were presented. Finally, with the prototype developed in practice, several tests were carried out and the voltage and current measures of the converters were captured, in order to verify their operations. The obtained results showed how the converters and the prototype worked in general, evidencing the robustness and the practicality of the prototype’s operation, validating the main objective of presenting a functional printed circuit board of the two converters for didactic ElétricaConversores Buck e BoostMicrocontroladorSimulaçõesEstudo e desenvolvimento de conversores Buck e Boost para fins didáticosTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso