Biasus, Alessandra ReginaTier, Lucas Slussarek2024-02-282024-02-282020 qualitative investigation processes, this research aimed to develop an in-depth study about the Small Claims Court, having as a problem to verify if the Court acts as a facilitator of access to justice. For this, the historical origin and the creation of the Small Claims Court were first analyzed. Then, the jurisdictional provision and the constitutional basis. It also enters into the principles of access to justice and legal security, listing along with the principles linked to the Small Claims Court. The objective of the research is to study how the Small Claims Court guarantees access to justice and represents legal security in the matters dealt with. The method used for the research was inductive, qualitative, based on the legislation in force, developed by bibliographic research and available academic à justiça e segurança jurídica: Juizado Especial Cível estadualTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso