Langoski, Leandro MarcioLopes, André Ricardo2021-04-122021-04-122019 the increasing demand for water for various multiple uses, the water crisis and difficulties in the development of certain economic activities and human use are potentiated. Nature is not an inexhaustible source of resources, from which it can be depredated at a disorderly pace and, at the same time, exploited extremely without any care as to its regeneration, on the contrary, it seeks to invest in a harmonious and balanced relationship, which necessarily presents a model of sustainable development. Thus, this work aimed to analyze water management in the municipality of Erechim - RS. It is based on an approach to reality and verification of the current supply system, presenting various elements of its operation, as well as making a parallel between water availability and actually consumed water, system water losses, supply sources. and sanitary sewage. The text has three parts, the first reads the global situation in relation to water resources, the second points to constitutive elements the national and state laws that regulate our systems, and the third, departs from the reality of Erechim, presenting important elements related to the aspect of consumption, care and responsibility. The text concludes by pointing out some ways and proposals that can positively intervene to improve management and, at the same time, to make the community and society aware of shared responsibility, increasingly realizing that the care of water resources depends on a action set. The care of nature is part of a lifestyle that implies the ability to live together and in communion according to what Pope Francisco proposed, and provided for in the National and State Water ResourcesçãoGestão das águasRecursos hídricosSaneamento básicoCaracterização da gestão adequada da água tratada e esgotamento sanitário : desafios na gestão das águas no município de Erechim-RSCharacterization of proper management of treated water and sanitary sewage : challenges in water management in the municipality of Erechim-RSArtigo Científico