Bianchi, GilmarDill, Laura2024-03-042024-03-042021 Brazilian law n° 13.445/17, that has repealed the Statute of the Foreingner and that comprehends the newest Migration Law, was developed in the heart of international cooperation, in order to respect the integrity and dignity of the human being, especially given the new challenges brought by globalization and illegal migrations. Soon that it was published, in the same year was edited the Decree n° 9.199/17, with the purpose of regulating the referred law. The issue rises from reading the two institutes, once the Decree signalizes, at some articles, the failure to comply with the law‟s fundamental principles, mainly on what it comes to the non-criminalization of migration (article 3°, III, Law n° 13.445/17). In this regard, the research aims to do a deep study on the main discrepancies between the Law and the Decree, considering the inferiority of the last one in relation to the first one, when put in the hierarchical pyramid of the Brazilian rules. The methodology used to pursue the objective will be bibliographical by the inductive method, with doctrinaire research and, in the end, the annotation of every paper consulted. As a conclusion of the research, it is suggested that the discrepancies between both rules causes the juridical insecurity about the migration issue, especially for the main public that the Migration Law is destined to, who is less acquainted to Brazilian justice system. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss the challenges approached, at least in the academic area, for that considerations about the subject could be provoked, in the light of the international cooperation and the human being dignity principles, and the whole Human Rights legal de migraçõesDireito constitucionalAs principais discrepâncias entre a lei n° 13.445/17 e o decreto n° 9.199/17 e suas implicações constitucionais, internacionais e humanísticasTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso