Baratieri, Cássio LucianoMarmentini, Julciano2022-02-012022-02-012021 work present the study and development of an embedded eletronic system that will enables the self-leveling of the plataform of a grain havester. The foundation and contextualization was made from the litarature review regarding the history of grain havester and their operating principles on the plataform heveling and also on the embedded system. Besides that , the preparation from work included a tecnical visit to a workshop and agricultural marchinery dealership wich contributed to the identification of the harvester model and the plataform to be implemented. The Project objective to develop na embedded eletronic system for the self-beveling of the plataform of a harvester, generating greater efficiency in harvesting and precision in agricultural machine operation, Furthermore, the presente were developed tests to validate the sistem’s functionality. Therefore, a computer simulation of the proposed system was carried out, using the PIC C Compiler CCS and SimulIDE programs; partial bench test were performed; and the validation of the embedded eletronic system through the development of a prototype. More, a survey of the costs of the eletronic board and a estimate of the spent for installing the system in a grain harvester werw carried. Finally, it was found that the developed system presented results that match the project and, in this way, allow the implementation in a grain harvester ElétricaSistema eletrônico embarcadoColhedora de grãosAuto nivelamentoAutomação de plataforma de colhedora de grãosTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso