Santos, Luciano Alves dosMatias, Elenice da Rosa2021-04-122021-04-122018 the many changes brought by the so-called Labor Reform - Law 13467 of July 13, 2017 - one of them refers to teleworking, a new flexible way of working, due to technological developments observed in recent times. With the development of information technology and the introduction of telecommunications in working relationships, telecommuting gains more and more space, transforming the traditional labor relations. It can be conceptualized as work developed totally or partially at a distance, in a different place from the company headquarters, with prevalent use of information technology and telecommunications. With the current labor reform, it is important to study in depth the concept of telework, seeking an up-to-date and modern view of it and the changes made by the Labor Reform. This review article intends to address the scope of teleworking and the changes made by the LaborçãoReforma trabalhistaTeletrabalhoTecnologiasImpactos e mudanças da teforma trabalhista no teletrabalhoImpacts and changes of labor reform in teleworkingArtigo Científico