Brustolin, Angela MariaZonin, Larissa Alana2025-02-252024 kidney disease (CKD) is characterized by progressive and irreversible kidney damage that impairs kidney function. Kidney transplantation remains the best treatment choice for most patients with critical-stage CKD. Kidney grafting is a surgical procedure consisting of the placement of a healthy kidney from a donor, replacing the activity of the diseased organ. Kidney transplants are the most commonly performed in the country, among other organs. According to the Brazilian Transplant Registry, a total of 6,047 kidney transplants were carried out in 2023. The nurse, as well as the entire nursing team, plays a very important role in terms of direct communication with the patient, as they are closest to them and follow each stage of this journey closely. It is therefore in the nurse's interest to bridge the communication gap with the multidisciplinary team, resulting in a complete line of care for the patient. Objective: To verify the role of nurses in caring for kidney transplant patients. Methodology: This is an integrative literature review. The Virtual Health Library (VHL) database was used. The search strategy combined keywords and/or synonyms and Health Sciences descriptors (DeCS), as well as Boolean operators. Results and Discussion: Through the integrative literature review, it was possible to observe that the country with the highest number of publications was Brazil, with thirteen studies (72.22%), followed by Spain, with four studies (22.22%) and Colombia with one publication (5.56%). Of the studies analyzed, ten were qualitative (55.55%) and eight quantitative (44.45%). Of these, one was carried out in 2021, three in 2020, three in 2018, two in 2017, one study was researched in 2016, one in 2015, one in 2014, two in 2013, two in 2009, one in 2007 and one in 2006. The integrative review consisted of 18 scientific articles, the analysis of which revealed the following thematic categories: nursing management and the care process for kidney transplant patients; the nursing process: a crucial tool for quality care for kidney transplant patients; and health education as a care tool for kidney transplant patients. Nurses play an essential role in patient care, patient assessment, promoting health education, training teams through continuing education and managing the entire transplant process. Final considerations: Nurses have an essential role to play in the care of kidney transplant patients and, together with their team, they play the role of welcoming the individual throughout the process, from the moment of admission to hospital renalCuidados de enfermagemAtuação do enfermeiro no cuidado aos transplantados renais: uma revisão integrativaTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso