Albuquerque, Simone Gasperin deSouza, Luiza Santina Lazaretti de2024-03-072024-03-072022 present work of conclusion of course intends to approach the need of a revision and resignification of the rules on the succession of the concepture in the Brazilian legal system. For this, a brief approach to the evolution of the family and affiliation in Brazilian law is necessary. In view of how much there is divergence about rights, part of the surplus themes, which will be considered surplus embryos, embryos must be holders of the succession virtues between children, in line with the legal provision, however the other party understood that children conceived after death of the deceased, through assisted reproduction techniques, should not be holders of inheritance rights, unless there is a process of provisional will or when the implantation process has already been programmed at the time of the deceased's birth. The monograph was carried out using the inductive method and a bibliographic and documentary das SucessõesReprodução assistidaPost mortemTestamentoDireito à sucessão legítima do concepturo post mortemTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso