Jaboinski, JulianaDavid, Ana Maria de2025-01-142024https://repositorio.uricer.edu.br/handle/35974/730The work “Meditative practices in the school context and their impact on cognitive and emotional aspects of children: a narrative review” analyzed the role of Yoga and Mindfulness in early childhood education and the first years of school. Based on a narrative review of the literature, the study investigated the impact of these approaches on socio-emotional and cognitive development, addressing issues such as the importance of empathy, self-regulation and emotion management. The problem addressed in this work is the need to integrate Yoga and Mindfulness practices into the school environment, aiming to promote the integral development of children, in an educational context that often prioritizes only academic learning. The theoretical foundation pointed out that meditative practices such as Mindfulness and Yoga act significantly in reducing anxiety and increasing children's concentration, promoting a healthier school environment conducive to learning. The narrative review is based on a qualitative analysis of articles, dissertations and theses published between 2018 and 2023. The selection of studies was guided by specific inclusion criteria, ensuring that the materials analyzed were current and relevant. It is concluded that the combination of dynamic, playful and creative classes enriches the learning experience, contributing to the integral development of students and preparing them to become more balanced and conscious individuals.pt-BRPedagogiaDesenvolvimento socioemocionalYogaMindfulnessPráticas mediativas no contexto escolar e seu impacto sobre aspectos cognitivos e emocionais de crianças: uma revisão narrativaTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso