Leitzke, Maura da SilvaTozatti, João Vitor Vendruscolo2024-03-042024-03-042020https://repositorio.uricer.edu.br/handle/35974/544Through doctrinal, bibliographic and jurisprudential research, in addition to the method of inductive-analytical approach, the main vectors and aspects welcomed by the operators of law are presented, in order to analyze the absence and/or presence of requirements for the application of the principle of insignificance. The present work aims to analyze the principle of insignificance in criminal law in both jurisprudential and doctrinal aspects. To this end, we sought to study, first, the fundamental concepts that permeate the theme, from the conception of typicality, origin, injuries to legal assets, bagatelar offenses, to the incidence of the principle of insignificance. Subsequently, it examines the jurisprudence of the Supreme Federal Court and the doctrine that was analyzed on the subject, in order to understand the origin and the fundamentals of the criteria that determine the application or not of the principle of insignificance. After that, it is studied, still, what the Supreme Court, in Habeas Corpus numbers 84.412-0-SP, 107.082-RS, where it tried to analyze the perspective of the criminal agent, the victim and the interest of the State. Here, the counterpoint between arguments that are conceptually based with others of criminal policy is perceived, in the search for a better solution and to obtain a better legal response to the proposed problem.pt-BRDireitoDireito penalPrincípio da insignificânciaUm olhar sobre o princípio da insignificância no âmbito do direito penalTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso