Sponchiado, Denise Aparecida MartinsPetzen, Fernanda Brokop2025-01-142024https://repositorio.uricer.edu.br/handle/35974/728Playfulness plays an important role in learning, as it helps the child develop multiple skills. The theme chosen for the preparation of this work addressed playful methodologies, characterized by a form of learning related to the insertion of games and play in the school context, considering playfulness as a fundamental element in the early years of elementary school. In this way, the study proposed to understand the influence of playfulness on the child's learning process in the first years of elementary school. To this end, it sought to identify the main benefits of playfulness as an instrument that facilitates learning, reflect on games and play as promoters of development, and present ways in which the experience of play could help learning and improve teacher practices. This is a bibliographical research, of a basic and exploratory nature, aiming to understand play as a pedagogical tool and how it influences the teaching-learning process. Finally, this study contributed to the reflection on the importance of playfulness in education, emphasizing that playing is an essential activity for human development. Playfulness must be valued and incorporated into pedagogical practices, not just as a resource, but as a fundamental principle that guides the teaching-learning process. Through the implementation of playful activities, educators can create a learning environment that not only teaches, but also delights, motivates, and prepares children for the challenges of the future.pt-BRPedagogiaMetodologias lúdicasAprendizagemA ludicidade no processo de aprendizagem da criança nos primeiros anos do ensino fundamental.Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso