Biasus, Alessandra ReginaPrilla, Laísa2024-03-182024-03-182023 recent years, the relationship between humans and domestic animals has envolved considerably, not only in the realm of emotional connections but also in the legal sphere. This work aims to explore the complexity of this relationship by examinig the transition of animals from being predominantly viewed as “property” to an increasingly recognized status as “subjects of the law.” The discussion surrounding the legal status of domestic animals is a relevant and contentious topic in our present-day society. Traditionally, animals have been considered as property, subject solely to property rights laws. However, a growing awareness of animal welfare and contemplation of their cognitive and emotional capacites challenge this antiquated viewpoint.Through this research, we seek to contribute to a deeper and broader understanding of the legal status of domestic animals, considering the implications for the legal system, animal welfare, and the harmonious coexistence of humans and animals.This work endeavors to provide a comprehensive view of the ongoing debate regarding animals as property and subjects of the law, offering a solid foundation for future discussions and decision-making in this constantly evolving field. To carry out the research, the inductive method was user, through the technique of bibliographical, documentary and legislative de direitoAnimais domésticosAnimais como bensAnimais domésticos enquanto bens e sujeitos de direitoTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso