Albuquerque, Simone Gasperin deBertuzzi, Bruna Karla2024-02-272024-02-272020 Brazil are considered elderly those people over 60 years. The present paper talks about the reality of the assistance to the elderly population in Brazil and the realization of these rights from the Federal Constitution of 1988, according to the law nº 10.741 / 2003 which is the Elderly Statute. It is also analyzed the importance and responsibility of the family towards the elderly, the obligations of society and the state to promote the realization of these rights. This study highlights the provisions of the Brazilian legal system on the subject. The method used to perform this monograph was the inductive, through a descriptive, bibliographic and exploratory research, where it was necessary to survey large articles on the subject, articles dated from 2010 to 2017, all in Portuguese, provided by Scielo system and Google Scholar, being used 10 (ten) reference articles for this research, after their refinement was started. The work brings a concern with social culture in relation to the elderly, presenting the Elderly Statute in Brazil with an analysis of its implementation, thus making the study do idosoEstatuto do idosoConstituição FederalDireitos fundamentais do idoso: medidas estabelecidas pelo Estado brasileiroTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso